Keynote: Reaching New Heights Through Agile Leadership
Date & Time
Tuesday, March 30, 2021, 9:15 AM - 10:35 AM
Alan Mallory

Climbing Mount Everest is considered one of mankind’s greatest feats of human endurance. The exciting expedition to the top of the world’s highest peak is a journey filled with unparalleled physical and mental challenges and some of the roughest, most extreme conditions imaginable. Alan Mallory took on the challenge and set a world record when he, along with three other members of his immediate family, reached the summit. The expedition challenged the mental, emotional, and physical limits of their entire beings and at every stage of the ascent demanded an unwavering commitment to resilience and perseverance.

Alan’s dynamic presentation focuses on developing leaders and strengthening teams by reinforcing the professional development and leadership skills that are essential for success. He reinforces the importance of numerous leadership qualities, such as strategic planning, effective communication, risk management, teamwork, and development of trust within professional relationships, as well as the mentality and passion involved in conquering one’s own Everest, whatever that may be.  

This session may qualify for the following Professional Development Credits: CPHR